Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in the world

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in the world:

               River is a natural source of watercourse, fresh water flowing direction of ocean sea, lake or another river it's a includes of hydrological cycle and water collect from the surface runoff and other ways like ground water recharge, springs, stored water in natural ice and snow packs. River is a water body which mostly joins the ocean. It has a huge amount of flora and fauna. Not only that it forms the basis of various food chains. From time immemorial riversa have been always considered as a holly place. For example, the river Ganga flowing through many parts of northern India is considered as a sacred river and millions of people go there every year to worship. Now here we enlist below the top 10 largest and longest rivers in the world.

10. Amur ( Asia )

 Amur river is also called zaire river which is located in Africa and flow in many states also opens up finally into the Atlantic Ocean it's is longest river in the entire world and world dipper river as well that is about 220 meters. This river play important role in the economy of this country, source of trade route for lot of ships and train, as well there are many railway bridges which are passing through with this largest river trade like transportation of sugar, cotton coffe and lot of other things. It's also major hub of electric power station with the number of about 40. Its primary source of water is Shilka river and the Argun River. It forms the border between China and Russia and makes a great arc on the south east part. Some of Amur river tributaries are Shilka, Ussuri, right Ergune, Amgun, Zeya, Huma among others. Its mouth is straight of Tartary and forms a basin of 1, 855, 000 Kilometer square. The Amur river is the only river in the world in which subtropical Asian fish such as snakehead, coexist with arctic Siberian fish, such as Pike. The river is home to a variety of other large predatory fish such as Taimen, Amur catfish and Yellowcheek. 

9. Congo ( Africa )

The Congo river is the second longest river of Africa after the Nile and the longest river in the world by discharge volume of water, and the world's deepest river with measured depths in excess of 220 m ( 720 ft ). The congo river has a total area almost 4 million km square, means that 13% of the whole African landmass. This river is lifeline for these countries along with few roads and railways railways now bypass, the three main big falls, and more trade of central Africa passes with the river, including copper, palm oil sugar, coffee and cotton. The congo river is the most power river in Africa. During the rainy season over 50,000 cubic meters of water per second flow into the Atlantic ocean. Opportunities for the Congo river and its tributaries to generate hydropower are therefore enormous. Scientists have calculated that the entire congo basin accounts for 13 percent of global hydropower potential. This would provide sufficient power for all of sub-Saharan of Africa's electricity needs. The democratic republic of the Congo and the republic of the Congo are named after it, as was the previous republic of the Congo which had gained independence in the 1960 from the Belgian Congo.

8. Parana ( South America )

 The Parana river is a river in the South central South America, running through Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina for some 4,880 kilometers. It is second in length only to the Amazon river among south American rivers. The name Parana is an abbreviation of the phrase '' Para rehe '' Onava which comes from the Tupi language and means like the sea. It merges first with the Paraguay river and then farther downstream with the Uruguay river to form the Reo De La Plata and empties into the Atlantic ocean. This is major source of income daily support for fishermen who live along with this river heavy internal consumption or for export the Parana river delta declared as one of the world's greatest world's watching address. Its primary source is Paranaiba river and Rio Grande and Drains into Atlantic ocean. Its drainage area is 2,582,672 kilometers squares and discharges water on average discharge of 17,290 meter cube. Much of the length of the Parana is navigable and serves as an important waterway linking inland cities in Argentina and Paraguay, to the ocean providing deep water ports in many of these cities. Due to its use for ocean going ships, water table measurements reach back to 1904. The data correlates with the solar cycle.

7. Ob ( Asia )

 The Ob river also OBI is a major river in western Siberia, Russia and is the world's seventh longest river. It forms at the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers which have their origins in the Altay mountains. It is the western most of the three great Siberian rivers that flow into the Arctic ocean. The internationally known named of the river is based on the Russian name. Possibly from Proto Indo Iranian '' river water. The OBS is known to the Khanty people as the As, Yag Kolta and Yema to the Nenets people as the Kolta, Kuay, and to the Siberian Tatars as the Umar or Omass. This river flowing 3,395 miles and with a drainage area of 2,990,000 square Kilometers. Its formation occurs on Biya and Katun rivers which their sources are Altay mountains. Among the rivers of Siberia this is the Westernmost which flows into the arctic ocean. The other two rivers are Lena and Yenisei rivers. The Ob largest river provides irrigation, drinking water, hydroelectric energy, and fishing that make the economy more strong and wealthy. Note that the Gulf of OB is the world's largest Estuary. In its early years of operation, the Mayak plant released vast quantities of radioactively contaminated water into small lakes near the plant. These lakes drain into the Techa river,  whose waters ultimately flow into the Ob river near the end of its path. 

6. Yellow river ( china )

 The yellow river or Huang he is the third longest river in Asia, after the Yangtze river and and Yenisei river and the sixth longest river system in the world at the estimated length 5,464 kilometer. Originating in the bayan her mountains in Qinghai province of Western China, it flows through nine provinces and it empties into the Bohai sea near the city of Dongying in Shandong province. The yellow river basin has an east-west extent of about 1.900 kilometers, and a north south extent of about 1,100 kilometers. Its total drainage area is about 752, 546 square kilometers. Its basin was the borthplace of ancient Chinese civilization, and it was the most prosperous region in early Chinese history. However, because of frequent devastating floods and course changes produced by the continual elevation of the river bed, sometimes above the level of its surroundings farm fields, it also has the name China's Sorrow and Scourge of the Han People. The river to the Chinese people it's a foundation of civilization and a symbol of spiritual home. This largest river is famous as the mother river by all the Chinese people it extends through nine provinces and autonomous regions on its way to the Bohai sea. Rich cultural relics, history and amazing natural appearance make the Yellow river superb place to visitors and attract the people from the world. 

5. Yenisei Selenge ( Asia )

  The Yenisei also Romanized as Yenisey,Enise and Jenisej is the largest river system flowing to the arctic ocean. It is the central of the three great Siberian rivers that flow into the arctic ocean. Rising in Mongolia, it follows a northerly course to the Yenisei gulf in the Kara sea, Draining a large part of central Siberia, the longest stream following the Yenisei Angara Selenga Ider river system. The maximum depth of the Yenisei is 24 meters and the average depth is 14 meters. The depth of river outflow is 32 meters and inflow is 31 meters. It's more prominent than the other two Siberian rivers flowing into the Arctic ocean namely Ob and Lena. The first team to navigate the Yenisei's entire length, including its violent upper tributary in Mongolia was an Australian, Canadian effort completed in September 2001. Ben Kozel, Tim Cope, Colin Angus and Remy Quinter were on this team. Both Kozel and Angus wrote books detailing this expedition, and a documentary was produced for National Geographic Television. Studies have shown that the Yenisei suffers from contamination caused by radioactive discharges from a factory that produced bomb-grade plutonium in the secret city of Krasnoyarsk-26, now known as Zheleznogorsk. 

4. Mississippi ( North America )

  The Mississippi river is the chief river of the second drainage system on the north American continent, second only to the Hudson bay drainage system. Flowing entirely in the United Sates It rises in northern Minnesota and Meanders slowly Southwards for 2,320 miles to the Mississippi river Delta at the gulf of Mexico. With its many tributaries, the Mississippi's watershed drains all or parts of 31 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces between the Rocky and Appalachian mountains. The Mississippi ranks as the fourth longest and fifteenth largest river in the world by discharge. The river either borders or passes through the states of Minnesota Wisconsin, Lowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. Since modern development of the basin began, the Mississippi has also seen its share of pollution and environmental problems- most notably large volumes of agricultural runoff, which has led to the gulf of Mexico dead Zone off the Delta. In recent years, the river has shown a steady shift towards the Atchafalaya river channel in the Delta; a course change would be an economic disaster for the port city of new Orleans. 

3. Yangtze ( China )

  The Yangtze which is 6380 km long, is the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world. The river is the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country. It drains one fifth of the land area of the people's republic of China and its river basin is home to one third of the country's population. The Yangtze is the sixth largest river by the discharge volume in the world. In recent years the river has suffered from industrial pollution, agricultural run-off, siltation and loss of wetland and lakes which exacerbates seasonal flooding. Some sections of the river are now protected as nature reserves. A stretch of the Yangtze upstream flowing through deep gorges in western Yunnan in part of the three parallel rivers of Yunnan protected areas. a UNESCO world heritage site. In mid 2014, Chinese government announced it was building a multi tier transport network comprising railways, roads and airports to create a new economic belt alongside the river.In terms of discharge it occupies position six and it flows 3,915 miles. Its origin is Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and drains at east China at Shanghai. 

2. Amazon ( South America )

 The Amazon river, usually abbreviated to Amazon in South America is the largest river by discharge volumes of water in the world and according to some authors, the longest in length. At an average discharge of about 209,000 cubic meters per second approximately 6,591 cubic kilometers per annum, greater than the next seven largest independent rivers combined the Amazon's represents 20% of the global riverine discharge to the ocean. The Amazon basin is the largest drainage basin in the world, with an area of approximately 7,050,000 square kilometers. The portion of the river's discharge basin in the Brazil alone is larger than any other river's basin. The Amazon enters Brazil with only one fifth of the flow it finally discharges into the Atlantic ocean, yet already has a greater flow at this point than the discharge of any other river. There has a contrasts between the Nile and the Amazon river regarding which one of them is the longest. Some Geographers state the Nile is the longest where the others refer Amazon is the longest. Advance satellite imagery technology was ranting researchers to agree the rivers dimensions even more exactly. 

1. Nile ( North East Africa )

 Standing on the first position is the world's largest and longest river is Nile river. The Nile is a major North flowing river in Northeastern Africa. It is commonly regarded as the longest river in the world, through other conflicting cite a 2007 study that gave the title to the Amazon river in South America. The Nile which is 6,853 kilometer long, is an International river as its drainage basin covers eleven countries. The Nile has two major tributaries, The white Nile and Blue Nile. The white Nile is considered to be the headwaters and primary stream of the Nile itself. The Blue Nile, however, is the source of most of the water and silt. The white Nile is longer and rises in the great lakes region of central Africa, with the most distant source still undetermined and located in either Rwanda and Burundi. It flows north through Tanzania, lake Victoria, Uganda and south Sudan. The Nile river is documented to be the longest river on the planet which takes a journey of 4,132 miles before it drains into the Mediterranean sea. Some of the major developments that have been as a result of the river are towns such as Cairo, Khartoum, Aswan and Luxor. The Nile has been the lifetime of civilization of Egypt since the stone age with most of the population and all of the cities of Egypt resting along those parts of the Nile Valley lying north of Aswan.

                                                                Published By: Toprankworld 



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